Teacher Surveys: Questionnaires for Teachers

Elevate your teaching methods with our custom teacher survey templates. Adjust our teacher survey to your needs and get valuable information that can help improve student satisfaction, class average grades, and the overall success of your teaching results.

You don’t even need to come up with teacher survey questions since SurveyPlanet has many templates to get started with. Learn more about students, strengthen teacher-student relationships, gain parents’ trust, and experience both personal and professional growth semester after semester.

The sooner you sign up for a SurveyPlanet account, the sooner you’ll get honest, unbiased, and valuable feedback from your students. With unlimited questions, templates, and responses, SurveyPlanet makes it as easy to create, distribute, and analyze teacher surveys.

The benefits of teacher survey for students and scholars

Both students and teachers benefit greatly from surveys. Via a teacher survey for students, students get to voice their opinions about the topics that impact them, while lecturers can use the collected data to adjust their methodology and lead pupils in more meaningful ways. Teacher surveys should be used following every semester to find out what scholars found most interesting, what they did and didn’t enjoy in a class, and most importantly how educators can improve in upcoming semesters.

What are the main topics of teacher surveys?

A tremendous amount of time and resources are devoted yearly to collecting data about teachers and students. The goal of a teacher survey is to discover the main topics concerning teachers as well as determining opinions about these topics.

For surveys designed by administrative and data teams, the primary topics usually surround evaluation, staff-leadership relationships, professional and learning development, and overall school climate.

This last topic refers to the quality of the relationships among students, teachers, and administrators. School climate is generally good when students feel safe and welcome, teachers are committed to and engaged in their work, educators share an enthusiasm and sense of efficacy in the classroom, and school operations are mission-driven.

Conducting education surveys shows that staff are valued as leaders and learners. They will come to better understand what needs to be improved and how to grow professionally.

The types of teacher questionnaires

Not all surveys are equal. This is because they tackle different issues facing students and educators during the school year.

Teachers' working conditions are incredibly demanding at times. The stress of grading papers, preparing lessons, and dealing with difficult parents can be almost too much to bear. That is why school management staff needs to survey teachers with:

There is no reason not to conduct multiple types of teacher questionnaires and cross-examining the collected data.

For example, students' parents filling out a parent survey for teachers will provide insight by providing information about what they really think and help better define their expectations. Questionnaires for teachers' performance, as well as teacher surveys for students and their parents, collect their opinions, helping to set priorities and make decisions about areas to work on.

Let’s dive deeper into the different types of teacher surveys and how information collected from each can be utilized:

K-12 teacher satisfaction surveys

Teachers are in a tough position. They have a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of students and the quality of their education. This can greatly influence how they do later in life and, because of that, it’s important to conduct teacher satisfaction surveys.

With hundreds to thousands of scholars passing through their careers, teachers can get valuable insights from the feedback of students. However, the most important thing is to act on that feedback.

Grow and develop professionally by asking students what they liked, and didn’t like, about a class. What are you doing great? What can you improve? Get the answers to these questions—and many more—by having them fill out a teacher satisfaction survey.

K-12 teacher satisfaction survey

Want to know if teachers are satisfied with their jobs? A teacher's job satisfaction questionnaire may help.

Some researchers suggest that the level of satisfaction of teachers is a good indicator of the happiness and academic performance of schoolchildren. A questionnaire for teachers can give valuable insight into the level of satisfaction of teachers in a school.

K-12 teacher survey for parents

Students and their parents often have different views about a teacher. Even though parents aren’t in a classroom, their opinion still matters. Having a face-to-face meeting with each parent is a time-consuming process and, even if you want to better understand their concerns, it’s impossible to do it efficiently. That’s where teacher surveys for parents can play an important role.

Ask parents a wide range of questions and get valuable data that can be used moving forward. Eventually, year-to-year results can be compared to see whether improvement is being made in ways that matter. Parents will feel appreciated and gain more trust in both the school and its teachers.

Teacher survey for students

A teacher survey for students offers more detailed, all-around questions and feedback. Such a questionnaire not only provides results about students’ overall satisfaction but also teaching methods, effectiveness, performance gaps, and how teachers adjust to the needs of pupils.

Data from a teacher questionnaire for students can help teachers:

At the end of the day, what’s important is strengthening the relationship between students and teachers. When what students need is researched, it’s easier to give them that.

Seven expert tips for creating a teacher questionnaire

Teacher questionnaires aren't only for schools. Every education facility can use them, whether a primary, secondary, or collegiate school. Gaining feedback and insights will never go out of fashion. So, what can you do to make sure surveys collect valuable data from a large sample of students? Check out these seven expert tips:

  1. Motivate students to fill out the survey honestly.
  2. Ensure that responses are anonymous.
  3. Focus on one idea with each question.
  4. Keep questions short while still conveying the required message.
  5. Explain the value their feedback will have and how it will improve their lives.
  6. Notice trends and act accordingly to feedback.
  7. Combine essay, Likert-scale, and multiple choice questions to get a better response rate.

Top 25 teacher survey questions examples

As most educators already know, it’s important to see theory put into action. Because of that, we’ve picked top survey questions for teachers, students, and parents to show what kind of feedback can be gained straight away.

Teachers' feedback survey questions:

  1. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience at this school?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how useful have your classes been?
  3. How difficult was it to receive tutoring or extra help from your professor?
  4. What type of learning method do you prefer?
  5. How well did your lecturer answer student questions?
  6. How clearly does your instructor explain the material?
  7. In your opinion, what does this professor do well?
  8. In your opinion, how could this lecturer be more effective?

Teacher satisfaction survey questions:

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your current teaching position?
  2. Do you feel you have the necessary tools and resources to teach effectively?
  3. How supported do you feel by the administration?
  4. How do you feel about current workloads, including teaching hours, administrative tasks, and grading?
  5. Do you believe that your compensation is fair and reflective of current workloads and responsibilities?
  6. Do you feel that there is effective communication between teachers and school management?
  7. How satisfied are you with the level of student engagement in classes?
  8. Do you feel equipped to effectively handle the varying academic and behavioral challenges of students?
  9. What changes or improvements would you suggest to enhance job satisfaction for teachers at the school?
  10. How would you describe your relationship with colleagues?

Teacher questions for parents:

  1. How satisfied are you with the level of communication with your child’s teacher?
  2. Do you feel informed about your child’s progress and academic performance?
  3. Approximately how many hours each week did your child spend on homework for this class?
  4. How well do you think the teacher addresses diverse learning styles and abilities in the classroom?
  5. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your or your child’s experience with this teacher?
  6. How do you rate the quality of teaching your child receives?
  7. Overall, how satisfied are you with your child’s educational experience this year, and what improvements, if any, would you suggest?

Do you want to discover more possible questions for a teacher questionnaire? Read our blog to see well-written examples of a good survey question.

The days of distributing paper surveys to be filled out with pen or pencil are long gone. Now conduct school-wide surveys with only a few clicks of the keyboard—and no need to come up with questions because we’ve done it for you. Sign up to try out our free survey maker for teachers. With our templates, question branching, and user-friendly interface, a survey will be ready for distribution in no time.

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