Updated Instructions for the October Notes and Comments Pool

The Virginia Law Review will accept submissions for its October Notes and Comments Pool from 8:00 a.m. on Friday, October 9th until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 23rd. Late submissions will not be accepted. Students who would like their Note or Comment to be considered for publication in the Law Review should read the following submission instructions. A student submission checklist is available for download below.


I. How to Submit

All Notes and Comments submissions will be done via email to the Notes Department. Specific submission instructions are included under IV. Formatting for Submission below.

II. Length

Notes. The recommended length for a Note is 10,000–15,000 words. This word limit includes footnotes. Notes longer than 15,000 words are strongly discouraged. Notes longer than 17,500 words will not be considered without prior approval of the Notes Development Editor. Students may submit Notes shorter than 10,000 words without approval.

Comments. The recommended length for a Comment is 5,000–8,000 words. This word limit includes footnotes. Comments longer than 8,000 words are strongly discouraged, and will not be considered without prior approval of the Notes and Comments Development Editor. Comments below 5,000 words will not be considered.

III. Formatting for Submission

The Virginia Law Review conducts blind review of each student’s Note or Comment. Students must submit two separate documents to the Virginia Law Review Notes and Comments Pool: (1) a substantive submission document containing the Note or Comment but lacking all personal identifying information; and (2) a document containing information that identifies the student. Correctly following all instructions maintains student anonymity and protects the integrity of the selection process.

(a) Substantive Submission Document

This document must include the cover page(s) and the body of the student’s Note or Comment.

Style and Formatting

(b) Identification Document

This document contains confidential information identifying the author of a Note or Comment. The identification document should be a single page.

IV. Results