Montana Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

Montana Residential Lease Agreement

A Montana standard residential lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and tenant. Before signing the lease, the landlord usually requires the tenant to complete a rental application and credit check.

The lease agreement sets out the terms of the rental relationship, including payment due dates, lease length, termination options, utilities responsibility, and fees. If a security deposit or pet deposit is required, these details will also be included in the agreement.

Once both parties have signed the lease, they are bound by its terms and conditions, which clearly define their rights, responsibilities, and obligations.

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Lease Length Considerations

Required Disclosures

For more detailed information on required disclosures and state laws, visit our Montana lease agreement page.

Security Deposit

Rent Payment

Landlord Resources

Related Forms

Montana Rental Application Form

Rental Application

Evaluate whether a subtenant meets your subletting criteria for the property.

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  1. § 70-24-201.
  2. § 70-24-204.
  3. § 70-25-202.

Montana Residential Lease Agreement

Create a Montana Standard Residential Lease Agreement here!